Tadhg Flahive


I had the pleasure of attending two leadership programmes delivered by Tadhg – presentation literacy and strategic influencing. His content knowledge was most impressive and was complemented by a wonderful delivery style. I cannot wait to attend further executive leadership programmes delivered by Tadhg.

Abdulrahman Al Ateek, SVP Strategic Relations Management, ADNOC
In many years of executive education practice at some globally renowned institutions, I had the privilege of working with a few outstanding individuals; without hesitation, I can say that Tadhg is one of them. I had the opportunity of observing him in his delivery of several workshops. Tadhg is a very skilled communicator, who connects with his audience easily, creates high levels of engagement, and maintains participant attention throughout the workshop. It is obvious that he possesses not only a thorough understanding of his topics and the underlying psychological theories, but also the much rarer ability to transmit his knowledge effectively; his methods and examples are grounded in the reality of management roles, which make them very relevant for participants, and contributes directly to their skills development. Workshop feedback is invariably outstanding. Tadhg is an accomplished professional, easy and pleasant to work with, who adjusts his delivery to the seniority of his audience. I strongly recommend him for senior-level workshops as well as for middle and junior management interventions in a broad range of management topics.
Stephan Schubert, Professor of Practice for Management, Hult EF Corporate Education, UK

Tadhg was instrumental in setting up the Centre of Excellence for the General Secretariat, Executive Council, Abu Dhabi Government. He expertly organised and facilitated learning journeys for Abu Dhabi Undersecretaries and Executive Directors to South Korea, UK, Japan, Australia, and USA. He is a consummate professional who is extremely highly skilled in the fields of executive education delivery, talent management and succession planning.

Gerard McGrath, Manager Centre of Excellence, General Secretariat of the Executive Council, Abu Dhabi, Government

Tadhg, by any standard of measure, is an exceptional professional and outstanding person. His technical prowess in the design of world-class training and development programmes is expert. His delivery of those programmes has a major impact. Tadhg delivers with energy, every time. I have witnessed this direct impact here at ADNOC where he helps guide leadership programmes and executive level coaching to nurture the growth of hundreds of young and emerging Emirati leaders. His quality work and leadership courses are widely recognised and in huge demand – employees insist on being in ‘Tadhg’s groups’. He has taught me much in the process of working together and freely shares his knowledge – I am immensely grateful for that inspiration. I hope you’ll be as fortunate as me to have the chance to work with and know Tadhg in your own journey.

Kevin Howard, Partner at August Leadership

I could not speak highly enough of Tadhg. He has always been extremely personable, professional, and is an excellent communicator. His ability to connect with people of all levels is unparalleled which is only matched by his work ethic.

Eoin Bolger, CEO Gulf Education

I met Tadhg via the Higher Colleges in Abu Dhabi although we were on different campuses and working in different departments. Since then, our working pathways have crossed many times. Tadhg initially struck me as being well organised and thorough but as time moved on I also found him to be very generous with his time and resources, and a great listener. His leadership development activities have seen him grow as a coach and mentor with the ability to communicate clearly and effectively from the ‘shop floor’ through to the ‘c-suite’. I have the highest regard for Tadhg and his abilities.

Leslie Thurogood, SVP Competence Assurance/Emiratisation, Mubadala Development Company

I really enjoyed working for Tadhg during his time at the General Secretariat of the Executive Council, Abu Dhabi, when he was responsible for project-managing the introduction and implementation of CIPD qualifications for HR professionals throughout the Abu Dhabi Government. It was a pleasure to work for a client who demonstrated many key project leadership skills including focus, efficiency, and decisiveness. As a communicator, he showed great skill in engaging and motivating people at all levels – his friendly, fun, and approachable leadership style contributing to this. Tadhg is a specialist in many strategic people development arenas including leadership and talent management; this together with all of the above and his depth of understanding of Emirati culture, earned him great respect from all of us involved in this successful project.

Sharon Halliday, Director People and Design Ltd, UK
Tadhg is an intelligent, articulate and thoroughly nice professional. I have had the pleasure of working with him and can vouch for his ability to interact effectively and genuinely with colleagues, and to respectfully share his knowledge and experience.
Denis Sartain, Director at International Coaching & Development Ltd, University of Reading

It’s been a pleasure knowing and working with Tadhg. He is an expert in the areas of Talent, especially leadership assessment and development and a thorough professional. As a client, I found him to be focused on maximising the returns for his stakeholders and at the same time ensuring that the service providers are respected, and their business interests are protected. That he is truly collaborative in his approach is one of his biggest strengths. I have enjoyed our informal conversations on the leadership challenges in organisations and his view on what organisations need to do to minimise their leadership continuity risks are truly insightful. I wish him the very best.

Dr Deepak Gupta, Client Partner, Korn Ferry Hay Group

I have joined many training sessions delivered by Tadhg such as political intelligence and public speaking and he delivered with high professionalism. His style was engaging and interesting and always impacted the participants positively. He also was very willing and supportive when asked to host a teambuilding for our company’s management summit as a kick-off for our ‘lean’ themed retreat. The exercise he managed was a great start for our 3-day summit. Our team at ADNOC Gas Processing appreciated his excellent management of the activity and the beneficial nature of it. Working with Tadhg has been a pleasure and I am looking forward to working with him more in the near future!

Khalfan Alali, Vice President, Administration and General Services at ADNOC Gas Processing

Tadhg’s leadership programmes are so insightful and eye opening. I have had the pleasure of attending a couple and have been most impressed. They are so informative and engaging. Tadhg has a wonderful delivery style.

Asmaa Al Kindi, VP Human Resources & Administration, Borouge Asia Pacific

I have experience of attending a number of workshops, teambuilding activities, and leadership porgrammes delivered by Tadhg. He is an expert facilitator and instructor. He delivers with such style and impact. A thorough professional in his field with exceptional depth and breadth of content knowledge.

Hamda Al Shamsi, VP Corporate Affairs, ADNOC
Recently I attended a number of workshops delivered by Tadhg. I can honestly say they were the most beneficial and influential sessions I have ever attended. Loads of tips, techniques and practical guidelines. Impressive ways on how conventional workshops are being delivered. He truly can engage an audience until the last minute.
Abdulla Al Shaiba, VP Projects & Engineering, Al Yasat Petroleum

I have known Tadhg over a number of years on a large leadership initiative in partnership with London Business School. I have always found him to be a thorough professional and a truly collaborative partner and client. His absolute focus is always the participant learning and benefit to the organisation (ADNOC/ADCO) – which always inspires me to bring my A-game. As an external agency, it is critical to the success of a programme to have a reliable advisor on the client side – Tadhg is always there to play the roles of advisor, coach and client! I always look forward to our paths crossing.

Rahul Dhadphale, Facilitator and Coach, London Business School

It has always been a pleasure working with Tadhg, and I have come to know him as a truly valuable asset. He is honest, dependable, and incredibly hard-working. His knowledge of talent & capabilities and expertise in leadership programmes was a huge advantage to our organisation. Along with his undeniable talent, Tadhg has always been an absolute joy to work with. He is a true team player, and always manages to foster positive discussions and bring the best out of other employees.

Seena Al Nuaimi, Manager Data Management, ADNOC Onshore

It has always been a pleasure working with Tadhg as a client of ours at London Business School Executive Education. He thinks in terms of complex issues and then helps us break those down into simple, digestible learning components. He’s also aware and speaks to the wider strategic themes in ADNOC, and how that informs the learning agenda. Therefore, a great collaborator.

Adam Kingl, Executive Director of Thought Leadership, Executive Education, London Business School

I worked with Tadhg when he was at the GSEC. At the time I was at Henley Business School developing a HR Development programme. Tadhg’s whole focus was on ensuring the programme delivered more than just individual learning but provided clear links to Abu Dhabi’s strategic Vision 2030 and HR’s role in implementing the vision. He arranged for us to talk to a number of senior leaders outside HR so we could integrate the strategy into the programme. He also worked with us to design a programme that resulted in concrete recommendations that were presented to senior leaders by the participants. This differentiates Tadhg from many of the people I have worked with who fail to see learning as a key organisational intervention not just an individual one.

Nick Holley, Owner NHA LLP, Berkshire, UK

Tadhg is a fantastic leadership expert and always on top of industry best practice. He always brings innovative ideas to the leadership programme he manages and is indeed valuable to the people he coaches. If you are looking for dramatic improvement in your learning interventions, then Tadhg is the one to approach.

Mariam AlHarmoodi, Talent Management Manager, Borouge

Tadhg works with energy and passion always ready to develop and deliver trending topics aimed at shaping and advancing leadership talents and people capabilities. A self-starter with abilities to observe leadership behavioural competency gaps and introduce initiatives to address them.

Aseel Hamoodi, SVP Human Capital and Administration, ADNOC.

I managed Tadhg during his four years at ADCO (recently re-named ADNOC Onshore). His strategic contribution to Emiratization was immense. His ability to integrate executive leadership with talent and succession management was most impressive. His delivery on executive leadership programmes exceeded business school standards. He devised many new leadership interventions for our executive leadership development framework, and received exceptional feedback from participants and key stakeholders. Tadhg is also an excellent executive coach, visionary, team player, and strategic thinker who continuously puts organisational interests before his own. Tadhg is an absolute pleasure to deal with.

Ayesha Al Mheiri, Vice President Succession Planning &Mobility, ADNOC.
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